Thank you for booking with BUSme.

In order to finalise your booking, please complete your payment details below. We will email you a receipt upon confirmation of payment.

Please insert your confirmed BUSme Booking reference. Use the plus button to add more reference numbers.
Please input the total price on your booking reference.
Secured by Stripe
Please ensure your read the following information carefully before deciding to book.

Please note payment surcharges are as follow:
0% service fee for Visa and Mastercard
3% service fee for Amex and Diners
5.5% service fee for Account Jobs

Charges/Cancellation policy: We will charge 100% of your quote once the booking is confirmed with our team and you have been provided your booking confirmation number/s. If you choose to cancel up until 5 days prior to the booking we will refund 50% of this cost. Otherwise we charge the full amount if you cancel our service within 5 days of the booking.

Extras: Please be aware that any extra charges like parking fees, extra time, etc. are at the customer's expense.